serasini03Do we still need the stars?
With our frenetic life, the sparkling lighting of advertisements, of street lights, these things really separate us by them?
These are the questions, the feeling I try to “activate” with my land art “constellations” project: to redesign in the land some of the major and ancient constellations.

GO TO ProgettoCostellazioni Website


The modern man that we see nowadays, in this world marked by wars, migrations and anxiety,
he thinks with its own man’s head or instead as an animal?




lucaserasini gliinvisibili02What are migrations for me?

Which's the pain that people can hold to leave their contries for a new life?
For many years I've collected articles and made scretch of installations and other thisngs to do, but I never started.
But, in 2013, when in Lampedusa happened the shipwrecks I started this project with a brief graphic novel, con queste mani, and since 2013, together with Cantiere Nuovo cultural association and some friends and artist I'm continuing with this theme, always actual, against stupidity...


This project followed me from 2000 to 2015 and mainly concern my interest for Greek mythology in general and in particular minoan. It is from a trip to Crete that I drew the first small herds of bulls, then I made them with different tecniques other than paintings and graphics: artist's book to land art.

Take a look to the DEDICATED WEBSITE to see all my artworks. Now the experience done with bulls is transformed in Minotauros, that talks about the anxiety of the modern man, seen as a man with a Bul's mask.




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