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exhibitions and installations

Here you can find my works listed by project name and main field of interest (work in progress)
  • Full list
  • The Marconisti
  • Nuvole e Sedie
  • Costellazioni

  • November: group show, Concept River gallery – Pisa
  • October: solo show, S. Ranieri Hotel – Pisa
  • LE NUVOLE NON HANNO TATTO ! – exhib in studio, July 26-August 28
  • FRANGE D’INTERFERENZA, IN ASCOLTO DEL COSMO – interactive land art – October 8-22th, EGO/VIRGO (European Gravitational Waves Observatory), Cascina (PI), with Massimo Magrini
  • LA GEOMETRIA DEL TEMPO – exhib, September 24-30th, Arte in Centro, Cascina (PI) – with Massim Magrini
  • INTORNO ALLE ORIGINI (Sternen segnale ON) – indoor installation – September 8-9th, 21 Iliad conference, Bologna – with Marco Ricci del Mastro
  • DI MATTI APPESI, DI NUVOLE E DI SEDIE – exhib, July 14-20th, Centro Civico Bolgheri
  • NUOVI PAESAGGI COSMICI – exhib in studio, May 27-29
  • IN LUCEM, LE PAROLE/ I SUONI /I CORPI / L’IDEA – multichannel videoinstallation, July 29th – October 31th – Carte Blanche Association, S. Pietro Theater, Volterra (PI)
  • PER ASPERA AD ASTRA – web project
  • LÈS ÈTOILES BINAIRES – land art, May 3-11th, Ifitry artist’s residence – Morocco
  • LE STORIE DI S. NICOLA – permanent light installation, MACCA Museum, Peccioli (PI)
  • WINDOW PROJECT WINNER: 2012-2018 – group show, August 3rd – September 1st, Gazelli Art House, London
  • KHÀOS/ORDER/DISPOSE, INSTALLAZIONI, INTERAZIONI E ALABASTRI, duo exhib, December 15th – January 20th, Volterra (PI)
  • COSTELLAZIONI LARDERELLO/LIGHT ART – videoprojections on geothermal cooling towers, June 30th (one full year), Larderello (PI)
  • THE KHÁOS OF COSMOS – light installation, December 20th – January 13th – Gazelli Art House, London
  • GROßE WAGEN and ALCOR & MIZAR (indoor) – land art and site-specific installation, June 14-21th, JUL Center – Weimar
  • COME IADI TRA LE PLEIADI – interactive land art installation – July 7-9. Accenni di Contemporaneo Festival – Civit. d’Agnano (VT)
  • ALFA-TAURI – permanent installation and exhib – Lajatico (PI)
  • COSTELLAZIONI LARDERELLO – site specific installation, July 15 – August 15 – M’ arte personale 2016, Larderello (PI)
  • PEGASO, 10 STORIE PER 10 STELLE – interactive land art installation, July 15 – August 15, M’Arte personale 2016 – Montegemoli (PI)
  • ALCOR & MIZAR – interactive land art installation, June 17-26 – Art in the woods festival – Holmfirth, UK
  • DIETROFRONT – group exhib, May 14th – June 5th – Teatro di Nascosto – Volterra (PI)
  • COSÌ D’INCANTO MI APPARVE DAL NULLA – site specific installation, May 15yh – June 19th – Accademia Libera cultural association – Querceto (PI)
  • MA SE IL VICOLO FOSSE CIECO? – exhib – May 15th-June 19th, Accademia Libera cultural association – Querceto (PI)
  • ORIONE, IL GRANDE CACCIATORE – land art installation, October 17-November 1st, 2015 – MateriaPrima artist residence – Crespina (PI)
  • MA IO, SONO MARINESE? – group exhib, July 19 – August 3, 2014 – Cantiere Nuovo cultural association – Marina di Pisa
  • COSTELLAZIONE TORO – land art installation, June 15-July 14, 2013 – IV M’arte Biennale – Montegemoli (PI)
  • CRISI/KRISIS – group exhib, July 6-14, 2013 – Cantiere Nuovo cultural association – Marina di Pisa
  • LA DINAMICA DIETRO L’IDEA – exhib, 2012 – Spazio Sopra le Logge – Comune di Pisa
  • MARINA DI PISA – group exhib, July 2012 – Cantiere Nuovo cultural association – Marina di Pisa
  • TORI TERRESTRI – site specific installation, 2011 – III M’Arte Biennale – Montegemoli (PI)
  • CONTAMINAZIONI – Nicoletta Testi e Luca Serasini, exhib – October 22 – November 5, 2011 – Centro Futuramente – Pontedera (PI)
  • AROUND ME, IL GESTO, L’OCCHIO, LA PAROLA – group exhib, May 1st-16, 2010 – Accademia Libera cultural association – Montegemoli (PI)
  • SEVEN ROOMS IN PIETRASANTA – group exhib, August 28 – September 12, 2010 – IrenaKos Art gallery – Pietrasanta (LU)
  • DI MATTI APPESI, DI NUVOLE E DI SEDIE – exhib, July 14-20th, Centro Civico Bolgheri
  • FRANGE D’INTERFERENZA, IN ASCOLTO DEL COSMO – interactive land art – October 8-22th, EGO/VIRGO (European Gravitational Waves Observatory), Cascina (PI), with Massimo Magrini
  • LA GEOMETRIA DEL TEMPO – exhib, September 24-30th, Arte in Centro, Cascina (PI) – with Massim Magrini
  • INTORNO ALLE ORIGINI (Sternen segnale ON) – indoor installation – September 8-9th, 21 Iliad conference, Bologna – with Marco Ricci del Mastro
  • NUOVI PAESAGGI COSMICI – exhib in studio, May 27-29
  • PER ASPERA AD ASTRA – web project
  • LÈS ÈTOILES BINAIRES – land art, May 3-11th, Ifitry artist’s residence – Morocco
  • LE STORIE DI S. NICOLA – permanent light installation, MACCA Museum, Peccioli (PI)
  • WINDOW PROJECT WINNER: 2012-2018 – group show, August 3rd – September 1st, Gazelli Art House, London
  • KHÀOS/ORDER/DISPOSE, INSTALLAZIONI, INTERAZIONI E ALABASTRI, duo exhib, December 15th – January 20th, Volterra (PI)
  • COSTELLAZIONI LARDERELLO/LIGHT ART – videoprojections on geothermal cooling towers, June 30th (one full year), Larderello (PI)
  • THE KHÁOS OF COSMOS – light installation, December 20th – January 13th – Gazelli Art House, London
  • GROßE WAGEN and ALCOR & MIZAR (indoor) – land art and site-specific installation, June 14-21th, JUL Center – Weimar
  • COME IADI TRA LE PLEIADI – interactive land art installation – July 7-9. Accenni di Contemporaneo Festival – Civit. d’Agnano (VT)
  • COSTELLAZIONI LARDERELLO – site specific installation, July 15 – August 15 – M’ arte personale 2016, Larderello (PI)
  • PEGASO, 10 STORIE PER 10 STELLE – interactive land art installation, July 15 – August 15, M’Arte personale 2016 – Montegemoli (PI)
  • ALCOR & MIZAR – interactive land art installation, June 17-26 – Art in the woods festival – Holmfirth, UK
  • ORIONE, IL GRANDE CACCIATORE – land art installation, October 17-November 1st, 2015 – MateriaPrima artist residence – Crespina (PI)
  • COSTELLAZIONE TORO – land art installation, June 15-July 14, 2013 – IV M’arte Biennale – Montegemoli (PI)
  • DREAMING – interactive performance, June 15th. Studio Unterkritzendorf, Niederösterreich (Austria) – with Anne Glassner
  • URSA MAJOR (MINOR EST!) – interactive land art installation, May 26th-June 4th, Supergau Festival, Lungau, Austria
  • COME IADI TRA LE PLEIADI – interactive land art installation – July 7-9. Accenni di Contemporaneo Festival – Civit. d’Agnano (VT)
  • ALCOR & MIZAR – interactive land art installation, June 17-26 – Art in the woods festival – Holmfirth, UK
  • PEGASO, 10 STORIE PER 10 STELLE – interactive land art installation, July 15 – August 15, M’Arte personale 2016 – Montegemoli (PI)