Progetto Costellazioni
chapter #8

Web residence @AWB (Astronomers Without Borders)
Supported by StarTalk community
February – May 2018
Thanks to Mike Simmons (president of AWB) and Daniela del Paulis (AstroArts director)
A “journey through little stars” was a web residence for Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) community, supported also by StarTalk community, created to engage different kind of people (amateurs, photographers) and from different countries, to develop an contemporary art project based on stars and constellations, because “Nothing is more globalised of heaven, as now is the Internet, which as the sky envelops us all”.
Luca Serasini asked to people that want to join some photos of constellations. With that photos Luca made some artworks, using different techniques, from photo-collage to installations…
Everything was transmitted with short videos, some recorded, some live…
3 stops to meet 3 different constellations…
The first stop was the Orion constellation. What Luca asked to people was to send him one photo of the complete constellation. In the video Luca explained the reason why he made Orion’s constellation as his second land art installation (2015).
The next gallery shows the photo contribution of the partecipants

With these photos, from almost all over the world, Luca made some artworks:

This was the second stop of the journey. Luca, with alabaster’s sculptor and dear friend Alessando Marzetti showed how they made a little alabaster stone installation constellation with few simple elements. So partecipants had the possibility to make their own little one, in any other way!!!
The next gallery shows the photo contribution of the partecipants:

Here the collage made by partecipants:

The last stop of our journey is our Galaxy… Video featuring Fulla Jallad:
Here the photos sent:

The last works, made using glue: