Progetto Costellazioni
chapter #6

Row oak wood
about 3 x 6 mt.

ALCOR & MIZAR (indoor)
wood and acrylic
about 2 x 5 mt.
Symposium “wo der Mensch spielt, ist er ganz Mensch”
June 14-21th, 2017
JUL center -Weimar (GE)
For “What’s play”, the subject of the symposium, Luca made, together with Gernot Ehrsam the land-art-game Große Wagen
(The big Dipper) where children can walk on the stars and the lines that links them, and to learn the stars names and their meaning in german. Because that’s for me to play: one of better way to learn, having fun
“it was my first time i used row oak, and i want to thank my friend Gernot that gave me the possibility to do this won- derful experience. i’ll never forget the smell of the oak while Gernolt was cut- ting the tree in the woods, and to turn it into wooden boards for the lines. i also want to thanks my dear friend/bro- ther Maximo, that almost always follows my steps…” says Luca.

The choice of the Big dipper asterism is because it has a very simple shape, it’s easily recognizable in the sky and because, visiting the area around weimar, Luca have found some Bear sculptures (i.e. in the entrance of some castles).
The artist translated in German the meaning of each star and he wrote it on each wooden star, so children could walk on stars and the lines connecting them to learn their names.
Luca decided to divide the installation in two parts: the first one, made with oak, was the complete Big dipper constellation, done for outside use and to interact (and play) with people.

The second part, to see indoor, was a “zoom” view of the Alcor & Mizar stars of the same asterism, made with wood tinted white, experimenting a new way to show lines and stars.