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Le nuvole, le sedie (Clouds and Chairs)

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This is a graphic works project. To a Cloud, as a symbol of fertilization and freedom, I hung, as my first work, the twelfth card of the tarot, “the hanged man”, which reverses its point of view but not the umbrella. An object that from its normal function as a protector from rain becomes instead a container of vital energy.

The theme of clouds, first red and then also drawn in blue/gold, have appeared in my work since the second lockdown as a surreal reaction to the restriction situation.
The surreal, both in the visual arts but above all in writing and theatre, is a topic that I am very passionate about: from Bulgakov to Beckett as well as in some of Pirandello’s works (“Dream (but maybe not)” among all), up to the latest readings such as Ionesco outline for me a reality with rules different from the conventional ones that are typical of the language of dreams where no rules, Absence of the forces of gravity and possibility are precluded.
Other figures then joined the hanging madman: the silhouette of an Aphrodite tying her sandal, a terracotta statuette from Centuripe, Sicily, a swordsman cutting through the air, a hanging sailing ship sailing in reverse, a Mexican guitar player, a beam of lightning.