khaos order dispose light


Alabaster stone, light, B&W rayogram. 

with Alessandro Marzetti & IMAGO Pisa

Together with sculptor Alessandro Marzetti he made this constellations elements with the caratheristic stone of Volterra.
then I added light and I used these elements also to make my first rayograms printed at Imago cultural association in Pisa.


"stars elements" - Albaster stone


"line elements" - Albaster stone

order light

"Order" - Alabaster stone, LED

rayogramma khaos

Khaos - Rayogram with albaster stone, 20 x 30 cm

rayogramma order

Order - Rayogram with albaster stone, 20 x 30 cm

rayogramma dispose

Dispose - Rayogram with albaster stone, 20 x 30 cm